Real Time Heart-Based living

Vote with your Feet, and Use Your Heart as a Guide

Real Time Heart-Based Season 1 Episode 52

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While we are seeing much happening in the world - wars, take overs, greed, unhappiness, anger, confusion, escalation of poverty, imbalance of power and wealth - we know there is hope and opportunity to change the balance and trajectory towards caring for people and the planet.

There is hope because we see this path is not created by a few people in power or a position. It is created by the power of one; the everyday people like you and me, through the choices we make. We can choose differently such as to lessen the time we get caught in the ‘noise’ around us, to learn more and gain a broader understanding of what we are being ‘told’, to question and notice the nature of actions, to open up rather than fixate on a position or right or wrong approach, to change who and what we support especially when it does not align with what we are seeking; care and rebalancing. 

The hope is with you. You are important in the shift. Your choices and voice matters. 

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