Heart-based living Artwork

Heart-based living

So what is Heart-Based Living? 
Heart-based living is a choice, to be notice and discover what may be limiting you from achieving what your heart truly desires.It is based upon the idea of focusing on things that matter and feeling the gains and positive byproducts from your deeper understanding and improvement. 
With so much happening around you, this is the time to find from within you the way to your personal happiness and success. These podcasts draw upon many common and habitual patterns, words and ways of being, that you may have been conditioned to accept as normal, and provide alternatives that break the cycles and have a therapeutic effect on your body, mind, heart and spirit. 
No matter the challenge, issue, situation, you will notice how the alternatives have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing, happiness and relationships and to what matters in your life. Contact us, with any questions or to continue the journey and ongoing practice towards this way of life. 

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Head Shot

Nigel Stedman

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Tricia La Bella
