Real Time Heart-Based living

The Body Keeps the Score... Self Care

Real Time Heart-Based Season 1 Episode 51

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How well do you know your body? Do you know what foods keep you well, and work for you? Do you know what type and amount of exercise is good for you and your body? Do you know what lifestyle practices leave you feeling well, happy and healthy? 

The thing is, the better you get to know yourself and your own needs, the more chance of engaging them.  While we will never know how much or how little it takes before we feel the ill effects of our daily practices, we do know that the body keeps the score.

So the more we notice the changing needs of our body, the more we can match our self care to the different stages of life we move through. 

If your intention is to live life fully at all stages of your life, by getting to know yourself, you can adapt and make the most of what life has to offer at any stage or age. 

No-one but ourselves can do it for us. Only we can make the choice to care and nurture our body, mind and spirit and along the way, so that in many instances, lifestyle conditions and diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, anxiety, obesity, can be prevented. 

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